2 family meeting

It is an early morning day of Lunar August 2016 when the moon got its full size. In the village, children insist their parents for candles and cakes to celebrate their little party at night. “It is adorable” I thought silently. My mom was sweeping the fallen leaves in the yard then gave the house a quick clean. I was flying into the thinking of many things happily and nervously. “Binh, how did you prepare the dress?”, my grandma said out loud from the sub-house suddenly. I woke up and said back “I have a short sleeve shirt and a new pair of dress pants”. “This shirt is not formal at all, borrow the white long sleeve one from uncle Diem, stuck in then go”, said her. “Wait, let me iron it first”, my mom’s voice from the yard right after her words.

Dressed on with a little perfume, had on hairs a bit gels, I found myself pretty enough. “Bring the mooncakes from the room”, said mom. “Yes” I responded. This is two literally but the more meaningful thing than the number was “couple”. “From now and later on, ah…wedding candles, wine, and any kind of gifts must be in couple. Done? Go quickly, don’t waste time, 2 hours to get there, be faster”, said my grandma.

Me, mom, uncle Diem and his wife, 4 peoples were on 2 motorbikes head to her house. It is about 60 kilometers with a ferry. I felt the air is very comfortable, the river is more peaceful than everyday…but actually deep inside of me I can’t hide my anxiety. “She is waiting for me”, thought me.

Her family welcomed us more warmly than ever. “Today, I have aunt 3 help me on cooking, she is very glad to hear you visit us”, her mother said happily. There is a well-prepared table with tea and cookies. “Take a seat everyone”, said someone. They together sat on very lightly. In the meanwhile I went into the kitchen to help bring dishes onto the table. There was a lot of dish and drinks, all are well-cooked and well-decorated. We would have the party here. Occasionally I looked towards the table. They had a very long talk quietly and formally.

The meeting that I had been participated is more formal than I think. My mom told in worry that “She abruptly stopped her smiling, her eyes became less happy than ever when I gave her the card. Please can tell me why it was not wrapped into a red envelope? – asked her”. “I think this is written into very tough card with pink background, I think it is formal enough. Is it alright?”. “It is okay, no problem, I just wondered that because this is not like the one in my district”. This is a letter of engagement and wedding date. In the tradition of South Vietnamese, we have a pre-wedding meeting called “Đám dạm ngõ” to inform that two families will prepare for the engagement and wedding celebration as the date that given in the letter. And the couples also have official dating later on.

Anyway, the meeting ended very successfully. Kids was playing out there with candles and cakes. “The moon is brighter and more attractive than ever tonight”, I looked very passionately. That was such a very long night…

2 family meeting